March is Women's History Month. What do Women do to celebrate? Write "I love all of the women in my life" as their Facebook status? Clean the house? Make dinner? Wear a dress?
I am doing none of those things. I ate Chik-Fil-A* for dinner after class this evening. I am wearing the farthest thing from a dress. I am certainly not cleaning or doing laundry. I'm drinking coffee at 10 and blogging. Cue coffee rant!
When did I become such a coffee drinker? There must've been a moment at some point in the last two months where I became okay with almost black coffee. When I first started drinking coffee I was one of those "I don't even want to taste the coffee in this glorified hot chocolate" people. Now? Give me plain coffee with some Sugar in the Raw and I'm good. Cream? PAH. I literally almost laughed in the face of the Starbucks barista this evening when he asked me if I wanted room for cream in my coffee. What? Who does that?
I overheard a lot of conversations this evening that did not please me. In fact, they made me downright sad. The first was as I was walking out of the art building at my college. It's not a community college anymore, but believe me, it still behaves like one. And the people that roll throughout the art department are scary. Now, in the hallways of this building there are a plethora of giant cork boards and the teachers make it a habit to display their class' projects on these boards. It's also not uncommon to have the class in the halls critiquing each others' work. This is the scene where I found myself this evening. There was a class at the very end of the hall critiquing one particular piece. I'm assuming this piece was slightly religious because the words the man were using to describe the piece peaked my attention. As I walked toward them I listened in. Unfortunately, I have a terrible auditory memory, so I do not remember what the man was saying, but I do remember what the next woman said that made me terribly sad. She said "So that basically means live it up and then ask for forgiveness later, right?" No. NO. People really believe that. PEOPLE REALLY BELIEVE THAT. Not only did I feel sadness, but I felt the overwhelming sadness from God's own heart. He loves His children so much and they are so blinded that they have ignored Him completely and live however they want. How can a person really believe that they can just "ask for forgiveness later" when we are not promised tomorrow nor do we know the day or the hour of Jesus' return? "Later" may never come.
The second conversation I heard was one less spiritual and much more pathetic. I went to Starbucks this evening, because I'm a crazy coffee lady, and as I was waiting in line two rather crude and puerile young ladies walked in the line behind me. Unfortunately, the service at the counter was terrible and all three baristas pretty much ignored the fact that there was a line for a good two minutes. Normally, this wouldn't have bothered me too much, but due to the fact that these young "ladies" were behind me made it almost unbearable. I really don't enjoy cussing, especially when it's flippant. I believe there are much more colorful words that can be used in one's vocabulary (like flippant!). Not only were these girls doing their best sailor impressions, their conversation was also terrible and, for lack of a better word, stupid. I could be nice and say "uneducated" but I'm not going to do that. Aside from being rude to each other, I saw no benefit in the words that were coming out of their mouths. They weren't saying anything productive or important, just spewing words as they entered their brain. As I was walking out, they were arguing over whether Uruguay was a country or a city. I literally said "WOW" as I walked through the doors back to my car.
Now, in case you thought that whole speech was rather unforgiving, I'll have you know I spilled hot coffee on myself as I was getting into my car. That brought me down off of my high horse real quick-like.
Most bloggers would probably have posted something about women in their life that inspire them/said something cool that they want to frame over their toilet/raised them and taught them how to "be a woman", but I apparently decided to complain about strange women that disappointed me tonight. Whatevs.
There is one thing I decided on as my mind wandered about this post on my drive to class this evening. I am a combination of many different women. See chart below.
I'm only going to offer a short explanation into this chart, so pay attention:
1. The Raptor- This week someone called me a "sneaky sneakster" and I have been known to compare my cunning to that of this animal.
2. That chick- This chick kicked butt and was super smart. Enough said.
3. Diane Keaton- She wears exactly what she wants, and is completely happy doing it. Who else could pull off a tuxedo?
4. Katharine Hepburn- She's everything a strong beautiful woman ought to be.
5. Tina Fey- I want to go to there.
6. Gladys Zink- My grandmother and the coolest one at that.
I hope you enjoyed this random woman post. I leave you with this gem:
(Don't watch this if you don't like SNL/lack a sense of humor/can't handle a little almost-cussing)
A Song on Women's Herstory
(Thanks to my friend, Karla over at Casual Bedlam for reminding me of an old favorite)
(Thanks to my friend, Karla over at Casual Bedlam for reminding me of an old favorite)
*I always feel compelled to spell Chik-Fil-A exactly how they spell it. Even though it's so darn annoying to type.
Oh my goodness, Rachel- I LOVE THIS POST!
ReplyDeleteThings I love the most: That chart. You need to start making them for everything because it was wholly entertaining. I want my life to be explained through charts created by Rachel Zink. I'm glad you took the unconventional route to International Women's Day ;) And I appreciate the shoutout! Will Forte has never done us wrong, has he?